Vinyl Fencing

A Cursory Look at the Important Aspects of Vinyl Fencing

Vinyl fencing is derived from core plastic components and considered as a sturdy option for a broad range of fencing conditions. Vinyl fencing takes off several steps ahead of your standard wood fencing for several reasons. When you opt for this fencing option, you eliminate problems of rotting and the need for repeated painting or staining, tasks which are required when you have wooden fencing.

Vinyl fencing was introduced in the market in 1984, although vinyl has long been in existence as it was designed and developed during the 50s. The relevance of vinyl fencing as a practical and viable fencing alternative is primarily based on its deliberate positioning as a perfect substitute for wood fencing. On one hand, we have to contend with aspects in our homes that contain hazardous chemical components if we have wooden fencing; vinyl fencing eliminates this downside as it is made out of core materials and components that are non-toxic and family-friendly.

Almost all vinyl fences come with lifetime guarantee, and this is a strong statement on the reliability and durability of the product. Discoloration and wilting will not happen to vinyl fencing since it is UV-protected. As if this is not enough, vinyl fencing is your best deterrent to vandalism since it is graffiti-resistant as you can easily wash away paint off its surface.

When it comes to cost of installation, both vinyl fencing and wooden fencing are roughly on the same footing, although the total cost of vinyl fencing may be a bit higher than wooden fencing depending on the prevailing price of wood. A standard vinyl fence will cost about $20 per foot. Nonetheless, vinyl fencing is a better investment than wooden fencing as it will run about a third of the cost of wooden fencing over time.

While wooden fencing seems to be the sturdier option between the two, vinyl fencing actually has a rated tensile strength which is five times higher and flexibility which four times greater than that of wooden fencing. Aside from its edge in strength and flexibility, industry experts attest to vinyl’s manifest superiority since it will NEVER peel, corrode, blister, discolor, rot, crack, flake or warp. If perchance, any of these conditions develops in your vinyl fencing, the manufacturer will provide for an immediate replacement.

For a product which is superior in many aspects, the few downsides, if you can call them as such, are not enough to put a damper into your intention to use it in your home. In addition to the higher initial cash out, vinyl sidings don’t have dark color options, since such type of coloration make the vinyl absorb more heat. This condition can lead to serious damage to your vinyl fencing.

The three most popular types of vinyl fencing are shadowbox, picket and privacy. The shadowbox makes use of panels that alternate across the front and back giving the fence similar look on both the back and front sides. The picket fencing, on the other hand, is chosen mainly for its aesthetic appeal. It is used primarily to keep children as well as pets safely inside the yard. It is shorter than the privacy fencing and does not completely block off the view of the outside. Finally, privacy fencing is the ultimate choice when it comes to fencing and offers the most solid and complete barrier.

Installing vinyl fence might come off as a complicated and daunting task. However, with careful planning and right tools, this task can be easily performed by just about anybody. The most important tools and materials that you need in installing vinyl fencing include spray paint, power auger, graph paper, vinyl adhesives and quick-setting concrete.

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